Detroit Credit Restoration
Life doesn’t happen in a straight line. There are harrowing turns, curves, hills and valleys. Every child comes into the world with dreams of what they want to do when they grow up. Sheila can’t remember what she dreamt – she never had time to. Her father died when she was very young. He was the breadwinner. Since then, he primary focus was ensuring that her family always had what they needed. Working at the Ford Motor plant hadn’t been easy. Bouts of getting laid off and filing for disability had taken a toll on her credit. Detroit Credit Repair Today could see that Sheila was struggling, more importantly, we knew we could help.

Reputable Credit Restoration Company
When Sheila worked, she made decent money. She was able to go on short vacations and pay off the modest home she grew up in. When we met her, she was caring for her ailing mother. After two hip surgeries, Sheila’s mother was incapacitated. By her own accounts, she coddled her son. Having to carry the responsibility of both parents turned her into an over protective mother bear. Understandably, she was skeptical and wanted to see our credentials along with proof of success. We showed her that Detroit Credit Repair Today had a proven track record spanning over two decades. Thousands of negative accounts have been deleted as a result of our due diligence.
Federal Credit Reporting Act
Like most people, Sheila believed that there was little hope for her credit situation. We informed her that the Federal Credit Reporting Act was instituted to help folks like her. Promulgated in 1971, it states that any inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable items can be corrected or removed. This was our first plan of attack. Sheila had racked up an unbelievable amount of hospital bills picking up the expenses her mother’s insurance plan refused to cover. Most of the negative items on her credit report were due to medical debt.
The 3 Big Dogs
Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. These are the three dogs in the credit reporting industry. Like General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, they form an oligarchy. If we were to be successful, we knew we had to clean Sheila’s credit with all three credit reporting bureaus. After going over her credit reports with a fine tooth comb, it was easy to see that items listed on one credit report were absent on another. We assigned a personal credit restoration manager to Sheila’s account. His role was to develop a strategy of attack, restoration and financial freedom. He was the eyes and ears for Sheila’s account.
Interactive Credit Platform
We didn’t want to bug Sheila with every little development. She had become a grandmother for the first time. Since her son was in Indiana working with a trucking company, she became a super grandmother in his absence. She was also busy supervising her mother’s rehabilitation. Her credit restoration manager knew that she didn’t have time to focus on this minute aspect of her life. But whenever she had a moment to herself, Sheila was able to view activity and progress in real time by logging into the Detroit Credit Restoration Today interactive platform. Sheila was able to email suggestions and answer questions directly to her credit restoration manager, upload documents, view graphs and charts along with internal notations.