Detroit Home Loan Credit Repair

Ride or die in The D all day!  Rebecca was a recent college grad.  Her grandparents migrated to Detroit in the 1940’s.  Along with millions of other African Americans during the Great Migration from from the southern states to the North in search of the promised land.  For a little while, things were sweet.  Deindustrialization, automation and the movement of factories to the burbs, Mexico and Canada precipitated the city’s short lived heyday.  Rebecca felt the city got a bad rap.  She knew that her people that had survived decades of neglect and recklessness.  Rebecca was determined to be a part of the Detroit renaissance everyone was talking about – one property at a time.

    Purchase a Starter Home

    To be real, Rebecca’s credit was already in shambles.  She was barely 21 years of age.  During moments of desperation, her mother had used Rebecca’s social security number to access clean lines of credit.  Of course, Rebecca had no idea.  She had it all worked out in her head.  Graduate, move back to The 313, get a great job, save and purchase her first house.  Repeat steps five and six.  When she realized that her mother had been using her SSN to purchase frivolous items, she was livid – but what could she do?  That’s where we came in.  Detroit Credit Repair Today was able to dispute every negative item on her credit report.    

    Purchase a Few Investment Properties

    Once Rebecca’s credit was wiped clean, we worked with her to add healthy lines of credit to her credit report.  Her salary was more than sufficient to quality for home loans.  The lack of time invested at her place of employment was a slight hiccup.  Detroit Credit Repair Today knew how to overcome that hurdle.  Rebecca knew that if she was going to be a part of Detroit’s latest wave of development and prosperity, she needed to act quickly to snatch up local properties valued at $35,000 or less.  Her plan was to turn them into rental properties – from Midtown to Black Bottom.

    Avoid Predatory Lenders

    Systemic red-lining along with the inability to take advantage of The New Deal, left Rebecca’s grandparents vulnerable predatory lenders.  Restrictive covenants by xenophobic neighborhood associations and greedy blockbusting real estate agents afforded them no choice but to remain trapped in overtaxed and under serviced, economically deprived communities.  Rebecca knew that times had changed.  The grandchildren of those who had fled to the suburbs had returned to live, work and play in Motown.  Determined to build a legacy for herself and right the wrongs transgressed against her family, Rebecca continued to tackle her dreams one property at a time.  We helped her avoid predatory lenders by ensuring her credit report was squeaky clean.  As a result, Rebecca was offered the best mortgage interest rates available. 

    Become a Millionaire

    All that education from the University of Michigan didn’t go to waste.  A smart cookie, Rebecca saw the resurgence coming a mile away.  Although controversial, she viewed John Hantz efforts to revitalize the Motor City via urban agriculture as an opportunity.  Rebecca knew that most American millionaires derived their wealth through property ownership.  With the help of Detroit Credit Repair Today, she is well on her way to achieving multi millionaire status.  It doesn’t take genius or a college education.  Foresight + consistency + good credit = home ownership.  If you are ready to take part in the American dream, contact us today.  We want to see you win.